Ring Causes, symptoms and treatments for ulnar neuritis

Causes, symptoms and treatments for ulnar neuritis

QUESTION: A 45 year invalid lady is complaining of pins and needles and numbness in her round finger and scarcely finger when she is rendering and when she is working on her computer.It is keeping her up at night and she is starting to duck dexterity and coordination in her labourer What is the issue?

Causes, symptoms and treatments for ulnar neuritis

Causes, symptoms and treatments for ulnar neuritis

What is ulnar neuritis?

Ulnar neuritis, furthermore declared as ulnar neuropathy or cubital lair syndrome, is the inflammation or compression of the ulnar nerve which can surpass symptoms such as pins and needles, numbness or weakness in the worker and arm The ulnar nerve is one of the three principal nerves in the arm and it supplies sentiment and muscle firmness to the seldom finger, round finger and half of the forearm.

The nerve can be compressed at assorted points such as the wrist, the elbow or unbefitting the snare bone The most regular dot of entrapment is at the dig where the condition is named cubital tunnel syndrome

At the elbow, the nerve runs underneath a lank sector called the medial epicondyle, or other commonly declared as the funny bone. In this area, the nerve is extremely familiar to the skin, which is why bumping it can prompt a remarkably uncomfortable electric shock-like feeling

What causes it?

Ulnar neuritiscan be caused by a scale of factors including:

Activities which calling prolonged obligate against the tap or wrist such as resting dig on a table.

Activities which cause the thrust or wrist to be gift for long periods such as sleeping with elbows bent.

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Previous tap breach or dislocation

Arthritic changes such as spare spurs

Ganglion cysts or inflammatory joint changes.


The most ordinary symptoms of ulnar neuritisinclude numbness and tingling in the seldom and sphere fingers which can amplify up to the elbow Eventually the symptoms can become supplementary frequent and can surpass to reduced strength and peril with co-ordination, with patients often reporting that they drop items such as plates and cupsIf the nerve is compressed for a long time, it can cause to fresh surviving changes where the muscles supplied by the nerve can wasteland away

Treatment from Your Hand Therapist

Your navvy therapist can adjust make a program to address your concerns which may include a combination of rest, letters regarding activities to avoid, an prod splint to wear at night, specific nerve exercises and strengthening exercises

Surgical treatment

In cases where the symptoms are forceful or do not behave to therapeutic treatment, other options may include corticosteroid injection or surgical release of the ulnar nerve

Your therapist can discuss with you and your GP to arrange a referral to a surgeon if required